We undertake thesis-binding orders at a flat price until 13 May.
You can request the reduced price by filling our order form and choosing the cover design in the form.
It is important to choose option ‘Thesis binding (preorder - 3500,-)’ at the ‘Service Type’ part in the form. In the online form, the ‘Number of the pages to be bound’ part can be filled. It is important because of preparing the cover, since the discount will be valid even if the thesis will not be uploaded by 13 May, so we only prepare the cover. In this case, it is enough to upload it/bring the printed document in person/print it in the library following the deadline. It will be inserted in the cover the following day.
Please note that in case of printing the document in the library, the prices are the following:
500 Ft basic rate + 50 Ft/page, in case of colour print 150 Ft/page
In case of self-service printing:
30 Ft/page, in case of colour print 120 Ft/page