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Last-Modified: 28. 01. 2025.

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BUTE (BME) provides access to databases of scientific literature within its subscription-based system and in cooperation with the Electronic Information Service National Programme (EISZ).


Direct access to the databases is available at any internal computer network of BUTE (BME). Researchers and students of the university can access the databases from off-campus via VPN. Some of these contents are also accessible with eduID (Shibboleth authentication).



The list of databases accessible on BME is also available on Compass/BUTE (BME) website of the Hungarian Academy of Sciences. Searching for a specific journal by title or for a particular article by DOI, the central search engine of the website will show you the Hungarian institutions where the journal is accessible as well as the open access availability if there is any.
Documents unavailable at the University can be requested from other Hungarian institutions via Interlibrary Loan.


ACM Digital Library

This full-text database of information technology and computer science contains the publications of the Association for Computing Machinery, such as journals, books, conference proceedings, and technical magazines. In addition, it provides access to the ACM Guide to Computing Literature, a comprehensive bibliographic database of the field of computing.

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| Free open access publishing option is available for researchers of BUTE (BME).

Akadémiai Kiadó Journals

The journal collection of Akadémiai Kiadó covers the area of sciences, technology, and social sciences with international and Hungarian journals.

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| Free open access publishing option is available for researchers of BUTE (BME).

American Chemical Society (ACS) Journals

The database provides access to over 50 journals in chemistry and related areas. With the extension of ACS Legacy Archives, the database provides full-text access to all articles dating back to 1879 including the work of 180 Nobel Laureates.

| Free open access publishing option is available for researchers of  BUTE (BME).


Cambridge University Press Journals

BME does not have current subscription to the collection of Cambridge University Press Journals. However, due to perpetual access right, the full-text of articles published between 2018 and 2020 as well as the open access articles of the publisher are accessible on BUTE (BME).

The Cambridge University Press Engineering & Technology collection provides full-text access to over 50 titles of the publisher.

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De Gruyter

BME does not have current subscription to the collection of De Gruyter Journals. However, due to perpetual access right, the full-text of articles published in 2020 as well as the open access articles of the publisher are accessible on BUTE (BME).

The multidisciplinary database provides access to over 350 scientific journals in English and in German.



This database provides full-text access to over 300 journals published by Emerald Publishing. The titles cover the field of management, marketing, education and engineering sciences.

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IEEE Electronic Library, IEEE Xplore

IEEE Xplore is a full-text scientific and technical database published by the Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers. It provides access to journal articles, books, technical descriptions, and conference proceedings. The electronic library offers full-text access to 170 journals and 2,000 books in total.  

| Free open access publishing option is available for researchers of BUTE (BME).

Interkönyv- Typotex

The database contains 600 mostly Hungarian language publications from the publisher Typotex including higher education textbooks, notes and technical books from the area of natural and social sciences.

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Journal and Highly Cited Data

This scientometric database published by Clarivate Analytics is an upgraded platform of Journal Citation Reports (JCR) and Essential Science Indicators (ESI). The database gives access to the impact factor of journals.

To use this database it is required to register an individual account from the IP range or the VPN of the university. The account provides off-campus access as well.



The database of the American Mathematical Society collects the bibliographic data of articles published on mathematics and related fields and provides information on over 3.2 million article from 1800 journals.


The multidisciplinary e-book collection of Akadémiai Kiadó provides access to the full text of over 700 handbooks, monographs, textbooks in Hungarian.

| Login with Shibboleth (eduID)


Nature Journals

The database provides full-text access to the prestigious journal Nature and to all Nature branded journals covering wide range of areas of science and medicine.

| Free open access publishing option is available for researchers of BUTE (BME).


Online szabványkönyvtár

This database collects all Hungarian standards, containing over 27 000 of current and 23 000 withdrawn items. The database is available only on designated library computers. Please, ask the librarians in person or via email at for more details.



This database produced by Chemical Abstracts Service (CAS) provides access to literature in chemistry, chemical engineering and materials science as well as to standards, patent descriptions and descriptions of materials. The SciFinder-n contains MethodsNow, PatentPak and ChemZent databases too.

To use this database, it is required to register an individual account from the IP range or the VPN of the university. The account provides off-campus access as well.


The multidisciplinary database of Elsevier provides access to the full-text of over 2800 scientific journals. The collection covers mostly the area of science, medicine, engineering but social sciences and other fields are also included.

| Free open access publishing option is available for researchers of BUTE (BME).


SciVal offers comprehensive access to the research performance of over 14,000 research institutions and their associated researchers from 230 nations worldwide.


Elsevier's abstract and citation database collects the data on major scientific journals, books, and proceedings from all area. The database provides data for the scientometric analysis of authors, research groups and institutes based on metadata from over 37,000 journals and books.

Springer eBook

The database provides full-text access to books on Business and Management, Computer Science, Chemistry, Material Science, Economics and Finance, Energy, Engineering, Earth Sciences, Mathematics and Statistics, Physics published by Springer between 2013 and 2021.


This multidisciplinary full-text database contains 10 million studies on engineering, science, medicine and social sciences published in Springer journals since 1997.

| Free open access publishing option is available for researchers of BUTE (BME).


Taylor and Francis Online Library

BUTE (BME) does not have current subscription to the collection of Taylor and Francis Online Library. However, due to perpetual access right, the full-text of articles published in 2019 as well as the open access articles of the publisher are accessible on BUTE (BME).

The Taylor and Francis Science & Technology Collection includes over 500 scientific journals on Biological, Earth, Environment & Food Science, Chemistry, Engineering, Computing, Technology, Mathematics & Statistics, Physics, Sports Science & Medicine.


Web of Science

Web of Science is a bibliographic and citation database developed by Clarivate Analytics. It covers all journals with impact factor in all academic areas. The database can be used for searching scientific literature and for collecting citation data about individual authors.

Wiley-Blackwell Online Journals

The database provides full-text access to over 1500 scientific journals on science, technology, medicine and social sciences published by Wiley since 1997.

| Free open access publishing option is available for researchers of BUTE (BME).