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Record management

A duty of the University Archives prescribed by law is to assist the University's departments in the management of their records. This includes technical advice on the selection of their records for destruction or archival preservation, as well as advice on the administration of their reports (i. e. getting the Archives' permission for the destruction or inclusion of their selected records in the Archives' collection).

Detailed description is only available in Hungarian.


An important part of our service is the issuance of study and pensioners' certificates. Certificates of enrolment and qualification are requested from us by pension insurance institutes, employers or directly by the client.

If you need any certificates or academic transcript or a copy of your degree, please, contact us: or

BME OMIKK is awarded Qualified Library title

Last-Modified: 26. 02. 2019.

Az emberi erőforrások minisztere által adományozott elismerésben a minőségfejlesztés és a minőségirányítás módszereinek alkalmazásában kiemelkedő teljesítményt nyújtó könyvtárak és könyvtári tevékenységet folytató szervezetek részesülhetnek. A nyertes intézmények öt évig jogosultak a megtisztelő cím viselésére, amelynek a könyvtárunk 2016-tól büszke tulajdonosa.


Last-Modified: 02. 01. 2024.

The official homepage of Budapest University of Technology and Economics National Technical Information Centre and Library

  • Representative of the publisher
    Mr József Ernő MARTON, Director General

    Technical operations
    Mr Norbert RADÓ
    Phone: +36 1 463-3617

    This homepage ( is the main homepage of BME OMIKK.

The official name of the organization

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