Newman, Wyatt S.: A systematic approach to learning robot programming with ROS
CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2018
Elhelyezés: MSZO VILL 400
Raktári szám: 388.102
Rövid ismertető:
A Systematic Approach to Learning Robot Programming with ROS provides a comprehensive, introduction to the essential components of ROS through detailed explanations of simple code examples along with the corresponding theory of operation. The book explores the organization of ROS, how to understand ROS packages, how to use ROS tools, how to incorporate existing ROS packages into new applications, and how to develop new packages for robotics and automation. It also facilitates continuing education by preparing the reader to better understand the existing on-line documentation.
ed. by Pamela Buxton: Metric handbook
Routledge, 2018
Elhelyezés: MSZO ÉPI 200
Raktári szám: 425.075
Rövid ismertető:
The Metric Handbook is the major handbook of planning and design data for architects and architecture students. Covering basic design data for all the major building types it is the ideal starting point for any project. For each building type, the book gives the basic design requirements and all the principal dimensional data, and succinct guidance on how to use the information and what regulations the designer needs to be aware of.
As well as buildings, the Metric Handbook deals with broader aspects of design such as materials, acoustics and lighting, and general design data on human dimensions and space requirements.
Gil de Lamadrid, James: Computer organization
CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2018
Elhelyezés: MSZO INF 106
Raktári szám: 719.152
Rövid ismertető:
Computer Organization: Basic Processor Structure is a class-tested textbook, based on the author’s decades of teaching the topic to undergraduate and beginning graduate students. The main questions the book tries to answer are: how is a processor structured, and how does the processor function, in a general-purpose computer?
Hogan, Rex: A practical guide to database design
CRC/Taylor & Francis, 20181110
Elhelyezés: MSZO INF 102
Raktári szám: 388.150
Rövid ismertető:
Fully updated and expanded from the previous edition, A Practical Guide to Database Design, Second Edition, is intended for those involved in the design or development of a database system or application. It begins by focusing on how to create a logical data model where data is stored "where it belongs." Next, data usage is reviewed to transform the logical model into a physical data model that will satisfy user performance requirements. Finally, it describes how to use various software tools to create user interfaces to review and update data in a database.
Carraher, Charles E. jr.: Introduction to polymer chemistry
CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2017
Elhelyzés: MSZO KÉM 209
Raktári szám: 388.098
Rövid ismertető:
Introduction to Polymer Chemistry provides undergraduate students with a much-needed, well-rounded presentation of the principles and applications of natural, synthetic, inorganic, and organic polymers. With an emphasis on the environment and green chemistry and materials, this fourth edition continues to provide detailed coverage of natural and synthetic giant molecules, inorganic and organic polymers, elastomers, adhesives, coatings, fibers, plastics, blends, caulks, composites, and ceramics. Building on undergraduate work in foundational courses, the text fulfills the American Chemical Society Committee on Professional Training (ACS CPT) in-depth course requirement.
Butler, David: Urban drainage
CRC/Taylor & Francis, 20181110
Elhelyezés: MSZO ÉPŐ 604
Raktári szám: 388.101
Rövid ismertető:
This new edition of a well-established textbook covers the environmental and engineering aspects of the management of rainwater and wastewater in areas of human development. Urban Drainage deals comprehensively not only with the design of new systems, but also the analysis and upgrading of existing infrastructure. Keeping its balance of principles, practice and research, this new edition has significant new material on modelling, resilience, smart systems, and the global and local context.
Carpinteri, Alberto: Advanced structural mechanics
CRC/Taylor & Francis, 2017
Elhelyezés: MSZO FIZ 201
Raktári szám: 388.152
Rövid ismertető:
Building on the author’s Structural Mechanics Fundamentals, the Advanced structural mechanics presents a complete and uniform treatment of the more advanced topics in structural mechanics, ranging from beam frames to shell structures, from dynamics to buckling analysis, from plasticity to fracture mechanics, from long-span to high-rise civil structures.
Boracchini, Alfredo: Design and analysis of connections in steel structures
Wiley, 2018
Elhelyezés: MSZO ÉPŐ 502
Raktári szám: 388.162
Rövid ismertető:
The Design and analysis of connections in steel structures introduces all the aspects needed for the safe and economic design and analysis of connections using bolted joints in steel structures. This is not treated according to any specific standard but making comparison among the different norms and methodologies used in the engineering practice, e.g. Eurocode, AISC, DIN, BS.
Several examples are solved and illustrated in detail, giving the reader all the tools necessary to tackle also complex connection design problems.